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Angels long to understand

The thoughts of God toward man, the acts He has performed on behalf of Adam's fallen race are so great, so remarkable, so extraordinary in their generosity and mercy that it caused an angel to enquire, "What is man that you are mindful of him?" (Psalm 8:4)

Did that angel at that time have any realisation of just how great a mercy God was preparing for sinful men? Could that angel ever have hoped to comprehend the magnificence of God's plan of salvation? We know that even now this saving grace is something that angels long to look into. It is beyond the understanding of even these glorious beings.

That God, the maker of all things, the Holy One, the Great I Am, would stoop to earth in unimaginable humility to bear the sins of His enemies, dying the cruel death of the cross and becoming a curse for us.

And that He would raise us in Himself, holy in Him, new creations freed from the shackles of Hell and the grave, and that He would give us the right to become children of God, a royal priesthood, and adopt us as His very own sons.

The magnitude of this mercy is beyond understanding, greater by far than our limited perception.

But just one glimpse invokes wonder, releases joyful gratitude, inspires praise. We rejoice that we have become recipients of what angels can never enter into.

We are saved, redeemed, justified, made whole and ushered into the presence of our King, now our Father.

Oh, hallelujah! Let praise and thanksgiving rise in your hearts. With your tongues declare His glory.

And let the angels observe with awe the greatness of our God and the wonders of His love.

Praise the Lord forever.

Bless you all.

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