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Born Again!

You have been given new life in Christ. You are born again of the Spirit of God. You're not just the old man patched up and renovated.

The old man was condemned like the plagued houses of Leviticus. They were condemned, deemed unfit and unclean and torn down. The beams, the stones and everything else was taken outside the city gates and destroyed.

We deserved that condemnation. Our lives were corrupted and fouled by sin. Unfit for anything but condemnation.

But Jesus took all our sin upon Himself. The sinless One was made to be sin for us. Taken outside the city wall where His body was destroyed in our place.

But praise God for the third day! The resurrection of our Lord in perfection. The mutilation of that body which bore our destruction now gone as Jesus was raised perfect, in an instant.

And we are raised with Him. In Him, the sinless One.

There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

The old is gone. Torn down through the crucifixion of Jesus.

The new has come, raised to eternal life in Him.

Praise God!

So do not walk with your heads bowed in condemnation. Walk with your eyes fixed on Him who is above. Walk as the sons of God that you are. Walk as the overcomers that you are. Walk as the righteous children of God that you are. Walk as the ones who are eternally accepted in the Beloved.

And give Him all the praise today. Hallelujah!

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