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Drink Deeply...

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

When Jacob travelled from Isaac's household and came to Haran, he came to a well.

But he was not able to collect water from the well, because the stone remained over it until the flocks were gathered.

But as soon as the stone was rolled away, there was more than enough for the flocks to be watered.

Water brings life. Anything deprived of water will surely thirst and die.

But there is another stone that we see.

Before that stone was rolled away there was no access to the source. As long as that stone remained there death reigned.

But, HALLELUJAH!!!!! We see the stone rolled away, never to be replaced.

There we see the living water flow as death is swallowed up in victory.

Because the stone is rolled away we can drink freely, whenever we desire, of the living water that only Jesus gives.

And we who drink of that living water, as He has promised, will never thirst again and that water becomes in us a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.

So rejoice. Drink deeply, for everything of life is here.

The stone will never be replaced. There will never again be a lack of the life-giving flow of the living water.

It is yours in Christ, to drink and never thirst again.

Don't hold back. Drink and keep on drinking. The supply will never run dry.

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