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Cradled in His mother's arms

Christmas Eve

Tonight the world is remembering a young virgin and her betrothed looking for somewhere, anywhere, in Bethlehem where they could stay and where a baby might be born.

They were probably exhausted from the journey and she was almost certainly apprehensive of what she would experience in giving birth to her firstborn.

But what joy was awaiting them as the One promised by the Father through the word of the prophets was born.

We know he was not born in a Palace but in what we call a stable, a birthplace of human desperation and yet chosen from eternity for the purpose of God.

Such humility, such grace, such love.

But that's where the world likes this greatest story ever told to end, in the cosy picture of the baby in His mother's arms as shepherds worshipped and kings brought gifts.

And yet it was just one step on the path of humility that He chose to tread as the Word became flesh.

From this point on Jesus experienced poverty, was made to be a refugee, suffered the loss of His earthly father at a young age. He knew hunger, thirst, tiredness, the demands of men and the assaults of the tempter yet was without sin.

He knew betrayal, denial and desertion, endured mockery and humiliation, yet remained silent as a sheep before its shearers.

And then the beating, the spitting, the scourging, the terrible ascent while carrying His cross to Golgotha.

The nails, the rejection, the shame, all the while declaring forgiveness to those who knew not what they were doing.

Until at last, the purpose entered into in a stable in Bethlehem was accomplished in full as He humbled Himself even unto death.

The baby born to Mary, now a body cradled in His mother's arms.

Such love.

Such grace.

Such humility.

And all so that we could be lifted up, saved, born again and reconciled with God.

The stable was the first step.

Praise God that He followed that path to the end.

And as we remember the birth let us remember where it was leading, and let us give Him all praise, all honour, all glory.


Have a wonderful Christmas.

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