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Good Friday

On Good Friday we remember Jesus as He willingly gave His life so that we might live.

We remember the Blood, the agony of scourging, the crown of thorns, His nail-pierced hands and feet, the hatred He endured, the mockery, the humiliation.

In my place, in your place, as He suffered the agony of the cross.

And then, those words of triumph, such glory-filled words as He cried in a loud voice, "It is finished."

Those words do not just say it's over, it's done. These are words that declare, "the debt is paid in full."

Our debt. The debt of sin that was impossible for us to pay and that demanded death for a ransom.

It is paid in full.

But what a cost.

It can never be demanded from those who have believed on the Lord again. But what a price to pay.

This was the depth, the height, the length, the width, the real extent of our sin, revealed in its fullness.

And yet, in this, we see that the depth, the height, the length, the width of the love of God is greater by far.

This is truly holy ground. The ground of our redemption.

Our sin imputed to Him who had no sin, so that His righteousness could be imputed to us.

The One who is the Life receiving our wages of death, so that we could receive the gift of everlasting life.

No cost too high for Him to pay.

No suffering so great that it could turn Him back.

No cup so bitter that He would not drink.

See the greatness of the price that had to be paid.

And remember, they love greatly who know how much they are forgiven.

So let us see, in the horror of Calvary, how much our forgiveness truly cost. How far the grace of God extends. How much mercy we needed.

And let us turn that knowledge into praise.

Let's live our lives in joy-filled service to our King.

In everything give glory to the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

For He and He alone is worthy.


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