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He's Already in the Boat

In Genesis 7:1 it tells us, Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household.”

Note that. Come into, not go into.

That means God was inside the ark. He was already there. Not outside watching events, but inside. He was there with Noah and his family as the flood came upon the earth. Noah was safer than we can possibly imagine for one simple reason. God Himself was with him.

There is another occasion when God was in a boat. Jesus said to His disciples, “Come, let us go to the other side.” As they went a mighty storm, so violent and terrifying that even the hardened fishermen among the disciples were frightened for their lives.

And where was Jesus? Asleep on a cushion in the stern of the boat. He was not concerned, but resting. The storm never bothered Him in the slightest. Why? Because He had said they were going to the other side and He knew that once He had spoken there was nothing that was going to stop that from happening.

We focus so much on what happened next as Jesus stood and commanded the wind and the waves to be still and the storm was stopped.

But what we don’t see is the glorious truth that Jesus was already in the boat when the storm came.

The disciples didn’t have to pray for Him to come.

They didn’t have to beg God to bail them out.

He was already there.

Whatever storms we face in this world, whether storms of sickness, family crisis, financial difficulties, problems in the workplace, false accusations, even intense persecution, never forget this one thing.

Jesus is already with you in the boat.

He might not still the storm, He might not calm the situation down.

But He is with you. Always.

And that means you’re going to get to the other side.

So don’t lose heart, don’t fear, don’t give in to despair.

But trust the One who has always been with you, even before the storm began.

And just as He did, you can rest as the storm rages around you.

Because He is there.

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