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Hidden in the Secret Place

The news of this second national lock down, although not entirely unexpected, could be seen as cause for upset, discouragement, even anger for some.

But even as we head into it let's remember the promises of Psalm 91, that no evil shall befall, nor shall any plague enter in to the dwelling of he who dwells in the secret place of the most high.

It is dwelling in that secret place that is key. Resting there, staying there, not departing from there.

On the night of the Passover the Israelites were given clear instruction to remain in their dwellings with their blood-smeared lintels and doorposts. As long as they remained there they were safe from destruction.

But how many of them must have wondered what was going on in the world outside? How many would have been wanting to observe what was going on in the world around them? In today's terms, how many would have wanted to stay glued to the headlines instead of remaining in that secret place of focussing on the Lord, on His power to save, on His mercy and His grace? 

Our trust is not in scientists, in politicians, in vaccines, in news reports or latest developments. 

Our trust is in Him. In the King of kings and Lord of Lords. In He who is greater than he that is in the world, in the One who has redeemed us by His blood, who has called us by name and included us in the new Covenant. In Him who lives, who was dead and behold! who lives forever. 

So do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in Him. Remain in the secret place of the Most High, for every promise of Psalm 91 is yours in Him. 

Bless you all.

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