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More than Sparrows

Jesus Himself told us that our Heavenly Father knows every sparrow that falls to the ground.

Each of those sparrows is sold for a penny in the marketplace. Worth next to nothing in the eyes of man and yet God watches over them, feeds them, provides them with places to nest. He takes care of every detail necessary for their provision and their life.

How much more you are worth than a sparrow. You have been purchased with the very blood of Jesus. Such a high price. Such a great cost. 

So how much more will He watch over you. How much greater is His purpose for you. You can never be snatched from His grasp. He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. He commands His angels to guard you in all your ways and has commanded them, as ministering spirits, to serve you as the heirs of salvation.

He has numbered the very hairs of your head. 

Before a word is on your tongue He knows it completely. 

And He has redeemed you. He has chosen you. Of all the billions who have walked this earth He has called you by name. 

So do not worry. Place your trust in Him and He will look after you perfectly, He will keep you. He will preserve your life and keep your feet from slipping. 

What a wonderful, loving, gracious Father we have in Heaven. 


All glory be to Him now and forever. 

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