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Stop looking at grasshoppers.

How are you seeing things today?

Ten of the spies sent by Moses into the promised land looked with the wrong eyes. In their own eyes.

In their own eyes they were as grasshoppers compared to the giants in the land.

When Saul's army beheld Goliath in the valley they saw his size and heard with their own ears as he challenged the army of Saul.

But Caleb and Joshua beheld their God, the God who had brought them out of Egypt with a mighty hand. They saw with the eyes of faith in the Almighty.

And David heard the voice of Covenant, declaring "who is this uncircumcised Philistine?"

Whatever challenges we face at this time let us be careful with which eyes we see and with which ears we hear.

Whose report will we believe? We shall believe the report of the Lord.

He is with us always even to the end of the age.

He surrounds us with favour as with a shield.

He goes before us and He is our rearguard.

He guides us in the way we should go.

He is mighty to save, mighty to heal, mighty to set captives free.

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us, giving life to our mortal bodies.

Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.

This is the report to believe. Let us be those who lay hold of His truth and never let go.

Let us be those who enter into the promise of every good thing that He has prepared for us.

And let us be those who take the land. The giants will fall, the enemy will flee, for the Lord our God is with us.

Bless you all.

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