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Stormy Seas

The Apostle Paul, on a ship in a storm so terrible and that had gone on for so long that all on board had given up hope for their lives, broke bread and gave thanks to God in front them all.

This is faith. This is trust in God. This is the blessed assurance that, no matter what, the promise of God will always stand, that the Lord will always be there for His covenant partners and that His presence is never removed from those who have called upon His name.

This is our God. The Lord who is with us always, the Lord who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Paul's focus was not on the magnitude of the storm but on the greatness of our God.

Paul's focus was not on the cries of fear but on the promises of our God.


We are those who break bread in the midst of the tempest, because our blessed Saviour is He whose name is above every name, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One whose very presence makes the hills melt like wax and whose fire consumes His enemies before Him.

This is our God, so give thanks, give praise, give glory to His name today and forever.

Bless you all.


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