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Thank you for the Cross

Thank God for the cross today.

Whatever else we read, meditate on, declare or proclaim, let us always remember the magnificence of what Jesus accomplished there.

It should have been impossible for sinful men to be reconciled to the Holy One. It should have been impossible for anything other than judgment and condemnation to fall upon mankind.

And yet God is also love. He is merciful and He is kind.

In condemning man to punishment for sin God would have denied Himself in denying mercy.

But in sparing man from judgement God would have had to compromise Himself in His holiness.

This is the wonder of the cross. This is the glory of Calvary's tree.

That God was able to condemn sin and at the same moment spare mankind as Jesus, the sinless One was made to be sin for us. The demands of holiness and of love both fully met in the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.

Oh, praise Him today. Worship Him today. Give glory to Him today.

For He accomplished the impossible and made the way where there was no other way. What a saviour. What a salvation.

Praise the Lord. Blessed be His name forever.

Thank you, Jesus.

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