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The Lord has been speaking to me this morning and it is a word we need to take seriously.

In the book of Job there is a very telling scripture when Job declares "the thing I dread befalls me."

The enemy will be doing everything he can to create a climate of fear but we MUST NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES give place to it.

Fear is a spirit, but we must declare more than ever that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND.

This is not just for our sakes but for the sake of the people around us, our work colleagues, our neighbours, our communities, our nation.

Press in to God like never before. Read the scriptures, meditate on them, listen to them, declare them, pray them. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Incline your ear to them

If there is any offense deal with it. Do not give the enemy a landing strip.

Put aside anything and everything that is not in line with the word of God. This is not a time to have a foot in the world's camp.

Our God has promised protection. Jesus has borne all our pain, carried all our sickness. We must cling to the truth as never before.

Our Lord is greater than all of it. The name of Jesus is still, and always will be, the name above all names.

But now is not a time for complacency. Lives depend on us standing up and truly being the church right now. The nation needs it. The world needs it.

Remember the truth.

Live in the truth.

Walk in the light.

Love one another.

Encourage one another.

For our Lord is greater, our Lord Jesus is mighty to save, our God is faithful to all His promises.

The name of the Lord is, a strong tower. The righteous RUN into it and are saved. They don't stroll, they run. It is the time for warriors.

God bless you all.


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