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We can call Him, "Abba."

"...but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15)

What a, privilege we share, to be able, by the Spirit of adoption, to call God Almighty, the maker of Heaven and earth, the Almighty, "Abba, Father."

This is not a distant, formal arrangement purely based on a legal transaction. We see our Abba comforting us when we are distressed, encouraging us when we feel like giving up, cheering us on as we run the race, putting us right when we miss the mark, yes even disciplining us where necessary.

Always there for us and with us, through Jesus by His Spirit.

Always loving, always ready to receive us when we come to Him.

Yes, even us. We who are the reason why the Beloved One suffered the agonies of the scourging and the cross.

We who had been His enemies.

We who had willingly rebelled against Him, each of us turning like sheep to our own way.

We who had worshipped other gods, made idols of men, adorned ourselves in the foulness born of pride, who had called good evil and evil good. Who had shaken the fist at the One who gave us life.

Yes, even us.

What love, that sees beyond what we caused His Son to endure as He embraces us and delights in us even as He does in the Firstborn.

What love that allowed that precious blood to be shed because it was the only way we could ever gain access to His presence.

What love, that freely gives, never turns away, never stands aloof or cold.

This is the majesty of grace unbounded, of mercy that is without measure, of forgiveness that we can scarcely even begin to imagine is possible.

This is the Father's love. Abba's love.

So praise Him.

Praise Him today. Praise Him forever.

For He is good and His lovingkindness endures forever.


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