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What are you listening to?

On the Mount of Transfiguration the voice came from the cloud, saying "this is my beloved Son. Hear Him."

This is the command from Heaven. Hear only Him.

At this moment in history many voices are clamouring for your attention. The voice of scientists, the voice of politicians and human leaders, the voices of neighbours, friends and relatives.

But behind many of those voices another voice needs to be discerned. The voice of fear, doubt, unbelief, the voice of the one who was a liar from the beginning, the voice that would distract you from the only voice that you should hear.

Do not be distracted.

For in the voice of Jesus is authority. Such authority that the demons are cast out with a word.

In the voice of Jesus is healing. Such healing that they came to hear and be healed. For God sent forth His word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions.

In His voice is life, for the words that Jesus speaks are spirit and they are life.

In His voice is power. Such power that He spoke and light is. Such power that it is by His word that He sustains all things.

In His word is everything that causes you to stand firm as the wise man who built his house upon the rock. Nothing can prevail against the word of Jesus as you apply it in your life.

When you hear only Him you hear what brings peace, life, joy, wholeness, light in the darkness, wisdom and the truth that sets you free.

Hear Him. Only Him.

Read His word, praise Him, pray without ceasing, talk of Him, encourage one another to focus only on Jesus our Saviour, our rock, our strong deliverer, our peace, our hope, our anchor in the storm.

and hear Him. Only Him.

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