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When the votes have all been counted.

In the morning, when all the votes have been counted and the

electionresults are announced across the nation there will be those who are rejoicing, those who are angry, those who are fearful and those who are hopeful.

All based on who is elected to be the government of this nation for the next five years.

Based on people. People who are fallible, who will make promises many of which they will be unwilling or unable to keep.

Based on people whose knowledge has a limit, who have no idea what the future holds, who are prone to the same frailties, difficulties and weaknesses as those who elected them.

But we have a God who is far above it all. Who is just and true in all His ways; who is faithful to all His promises and loving towards all He has made; who knows the end from beginning; who is the Alpha and the Omega.

Whose love never fails, whose authority never wavers, who holds all things in His hand and who sustains all things by the word of His power 

What comfort, what peace is here. What hope, what blessings, what strength.

He is our anchor, our strong tower, our fortress, whatever goes on in this world.

Governments will come and governments will go, but His dominion is from everlasting to everlasting. 

His name is forever the Name above all names 

Jesus and only Jesus is the One who has all authority in Heaven and on Earth.

So look up, not around.

Look to our Saviour.

Look to our King.

And know that, no matter what, He is and always will be the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, the Almighty.

Let Him be your plumbline, your guide, your keeper and your rock.

For we have become inheritors of a kingdom that can never be shaken, partakers of a covenant that is everlasting and citizens of the heavenly city.

So whatever you feel about the election result, look up, take heart and rest in His peace. For He is with us always, even to the very end of the age.


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