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Whose armour are you wearing?

When David went to fight Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, it tells us that Saul clothed David in his own armour. He put a bronze helmet on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail.

But David refused to wear it and took it off, saying "I cannot walk with these for I have not tested them."

So everyone knew, when David faced Goliath that it was him, not Saul, who defeated the giant in the name of the Lord.

Think about it for a moment.

Saul offered his own armour, the armour of the king himself.

But this king had been rejected by God and had run in terror when Goliath had issued his daily challenge for a man to come and fight him. He was discredited in the eyes of his troops and no longer seen as the mighty warrior who had rescued Jabesh Gilead. Now he was no better than anyone else.

So what an opportunity presented itself to him. If David won the victory against Goliath then everyone watching would have believed Saul had killed him, his reputation would have been restored.

Because the identity of the wearer was in the armour.

But David refused to wear it, instead placing his faith in his identity as one who was in covenant with the living God, who gave him the victory.

In Ephesians 6 we are told to put on the full armour of God. This is God's armour, the armour of the King of kings. As we put on that armour we are putting on the identity of God Himself, not declaring ourselves to be Him, but taking on His identity as He gives us the victory in Jesus Christ.

And then, having done all, we are simply to stand. To stand in the power of His might. To stand on the finished work of the cross. To stand on every promise that He has given us in His word.

And remember, it is not the wearer of the armour who gets the glory, but the one to whom the armour belongs.

As God delivers you, protects you, enables you to stand against every wile of the devil, remember whose armour you have been given to wear.

And give Him ALL the glory today and forevermore.

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